How to burp your baby

How to Burp Your Baby: Importance, Positions, and Tips

Being a baby is difficult in terms of not being capable of telling what the problem is. If you are the parent of a newborn, you may wonder what your baby is suffering from. Your baby can have problems such as hunger, tiredness, and, most importantly, wind. To relieve the discomfort, you need to burp your baby a couple of times a day. As newborns do not have developed digestive systems and swallow air during feeding times, they have wind in their system. Therefore, burping a baby is crucial both for the baby and the parents.

Burping your baby seems simple at first, but be sure that it will require patience over time. You need to be gentle and understand that there are different techniques to create a comfort zone for your baby. We will try to indicate the importance of burping, how to burp your baby, common challenges, and many more. If you are ready, let’s get started!

The Importance of Burping

One of the most important parts of feeding is burping your baby. Burping helps your baby get rid of some of the air that your little one swallows during feeding. Unfortunately, not being burped frequently may cause your baby to spit up or feel uncomfortable.

When to Burp Your Baby

It is essential to know when or how often you should burp your baby. Remember that every baby is different and, most importantly, unique. But we have listed general guidelines for you to consider:

Breastfeeding: If you are breastfeeding, you can try to burp your baby when switching breasts or midway through the feeding session. If you are looking for a sign from your baby, observe her or him. If your baby detaches from your breast, you can start burping at that moment.

Bottle Feeding: When bottle-feeding, you can burp your baby every 2-3 ounces of milk. You can pause and gently burp your baby.

After Feeding: Regardless of your feeding method, you need to burp your baby after each feeding session. This will help to prevent the buildup and discomfort your baby will probably have.

Signs of Discomfort: You should always pay attention to your baby’s cues both during and after feeding. For example, if your baby seems gassy, fussy, or exhibits signs of discomfort such as arching his or her back, pulling legs, or squirming, you may need to start burping sessions.

Getting Ready for the Burping Session

It is important to create a safe and comfortable environment for your baby before starting burping sessions. Here we have listed the key steps:

  • Finding a suitable location
  • A handy burping cloth to catch any drool or spit-up
  • Finding a comfortable position for yourself
  • Ensuring that your baby is full
  • Choosing the best burping positions
  • Being calm and patient

The Shoulder Method

The most common method of burping your baby is the shoulder method. To be successful with the shoulder method, try to follow the steps below:

  • You should hold your baby against your chest. Your baby should face inward with his or her chin resting on your shoulder. You should support your baby’s bottom with one hand. Your other hand should support your baby’s neck or head.
  • When you are sure that your baby is securely positioned, you can use your head to support your baby’s head to rub or pat the back of your baby.
  • While patting, you should always watch your baby’s neck.
  • You should try to experiment with different levels of patting. Because some babies respond to a firmer pat while others prefer softer patting.
  • You should keep patting until your baby seems relaxed.

The Lap Method

You can burp your baby with the lap method, which is one of the most common techniques.

  • You should sit down on a couch, a chair, or a blanket where you feel comfortable.
  • Lay your baby face-down on your lap.
  • You should be sure that your baby’s head is slightly elevated or supported by your forearm or hand.
  • If you position your baby securely, you can start patting gently. According to your baby’s responses, you can change the patting from softer to firmer.
  • While trying to burp your baby, you should maintain a rhythmic and consistent patting motion on your baby’s back. If you observe that your baby shows signs of relief, it means your burping session has been successfully completed.

The Sitting-Up Method

The sitting-up method is one of the alternative techniques for burping a baby. To experiment with which method works best, you can check out this one as well. Here is what you need to know:

  • You should sit on a chair, pillow, or couch and sit your baby upright on your lap.
  • Your baby should face away from you, and his or her back should be against your chest.
  • You should use your hand or arm to support your baby’s head and neck to keep your baby stable. In addition, you should use your arms to hold your baby securely.
  • When you securely position your baby on your lap, you can use your free hand to start gentle patting. Do not forget to start with a firm but gentle pat on your baby’s back.
  • Just like in other techniques, you should mind the pressure and maintain a consistent patting rhythm.
  • You should observe your baby’s behavior. For example, if your baby seems relaxed, your patting session will be over soon. But if your baby shows discomfort, you should continue to pat.

How to Deal with Stubborn Burps

It is a common problem that babies can be stubborn when it is time to burp. If you cannot burp your baby, try the techniques we listed below:

  • Experiment with different positions.
  • Incorporate gentle movements such as rucking your baby back and forth or swaying from side to side.
  • Try the bicycle leg technique.
  • Place your baby on a soft surface and let your baby lie on their toy for a few minutes.
  • Try to burp your baby in mid-feeding.
  • Try different locations.
  • Consult a healthcare professional to be sure everything is okay.

Burping a Baby Etiquette: A List of Dos and Don’ts

We would like you to be sure that you securely burp your baby. Therefore, we have a few tips you should follow.


  • Create a burping routine to prevent gas buildup or discomfort.
  • Always support your baby’s head and neck.
  • Be gentle and, most importantly, patient.
  • Try different techniques until you find the best one.
  • To catch any drool or speed it up, use a burping cloth.


  • Do not rush the burping process.
  • Do not overfeed your baby, which can increase discomfort or the chances of gas.
  • Do not burp forcefully. Because it can startle your baby or cause discomfort.
  • Do not forget to burp your baby after feeding.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Occasional gas or fussiness is common in babies. But there are instances where you need to ask your healthcare provider.

  • If your baby cries excessively and persistently, it can be a sign of an underlying issue.
  • If your baby cannot gain weight as expected, you should consult with your doctor.
  • If your baby refuses to be fed or has lost appetite, it may be a cause for concern.
  • Excessive vomiting after every feeding session should be checked by a doctor.
  • If your baby has persistent diarrhea, you should ask for professional advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is burping necessary for babies?

Burping helps your baby release the trapped air in her or his stomach. In addition, burping your baby reduces discomfort, potential gas-related issues, and bloating. Therefore, you should try to burp your baby a few times a day.

How often should I burp my baby?

The experts recommend burping babies after every feeding. Because, according to studies, burping immediately after feeding helps release swallowed air.

Can I overburp my baby?

It is important to burp your baby after each feeding and before sleeping sessions. But if your baby has already burped, then you do not need to start burping sessions. Therefore, observe your baby’s behaviors and burp your baby when necessary.

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