
What is Nasal Aspirator? 7 Tips to Help Babies Breathe Better


It is not easy to take care of babies. As parents, we must provide the best for our babies. In addition, we must ensure that they are well and healthy. Babies tend to get sick quickly. One of the most common conditions for babies is congestion. A congested baby can cause a lot of distress, both for you and the baby itself. The best solution for this trouble is to use a nasal aspirator.

If your baby’s nose is blocked, you can use a nasal aspirator that can gently remove mucus from your baby’s nose. After removing the mucus, your baby will feel relief. A nose sucker is easy to use and a trusted device for parents. It does not matter if you are a first-time parent or not; in this article, we aim to share all the information you need about the nasal aspirator.

What is Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion is one of the most common problems for babies. It is generally not serious, but you should try to help your baby remove the mucus from the nose. The flu, cold, sinus infection, or allergies may cause congestion.

Babies under 2 years old breathe through their noses. Because they do not know that they can breathe through their mouth. Besides, they do not know how to sniff and clean their noses. In short, if your baby has nasal congestion, your baby will feel uncomfortable. If you do not know the symptoms of nasal congestion, we have listed them for you:

  • Noisy breathing
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Snoring

If you observe the symptoms we listed above, you may ask your doctor to start using a nasal aspirator.

What is a nasal aspirator?

A nasal aspirator is also known as a nose aspirator. It is a small nose suction device to remove any mucus in the baby’s nose. This type of nose cleaner helps babies breathe easier and more comfortably. If you are wondering where we put the removed mucus, let us share more information. There is a separate chamber where you can hygienically dispose of the mucus.

Is a nasal aspirator safe?

We designed the Opti Nell snot sucker specifically for your Baby’s congested nose. The aspirator can easily and effectively remove the mucus in the nose. As it is easy to use, you can gently clean your baby’s nose. Besides, our nasal aspirator consists of non-toxic materials. For instance, in our manufacturing process, we do not include any kind of BPA, phthalate, or latex. In conclusion, a nasal aspirator is safe to use.

How do I use Snot Sucker?

You are probably worried about the use of the nasal aspirator. But do not worry; Opti nell’s nasal aspirator is easy and clean to use. You can follow the steps below:

  • Attach the disposable spare tip to the aspirator tube.
  • Place the tip on your baby’s nose.
  • Place the other tip of the nasal aspirator in your mouth.
  • Adjust the suction level according to your baby’s needs.
  • After the suction tip is full, remove the tip and put it in the trash can.
  • Repeat the same process whenever you need to.

To use the most hygienic product for nasal suction, you can check our Amazon profile and order an Opti nell nasal aspirator.

You may come across other types of aspirators as well. Basically, there are two types of aspirators on the market.

Electric Nasal Aspirator: This type of aspirator works with a battery. Depending on the model and type, you can either drop saline solution into your baby’s nose or use the device directly.

Manual Nasal Aspirator: Opti nell nasal aspirator is in the manual aspirator group. But, manual ones consist of a suction device or bulb syringe. Let us check what are advantages and disadvantages of nasal aspirators and bulb syringes are. 


Nasal Aspirator

A nasal aspirator is a small, manual suction device that removes the mucus in your baby’s nose. A nasal aspirator has a tip and a tube. You will need to place the tip into your baby’s nose and place the tube in your mouth. Later, you can start inhaling with your mouth and adjusting the suction level. Although a nasal aspirator is a must-have at home, you need to be sure that your device is hygienic.

For example, if the tip of the aspirator is not disposable, you will need to sanitize the tip every time. But, according to studies, it is almost impossible to clean the tips from bacteria or viruses. So, it means that you may spread the infection.

To conclude, you need to find the most hygienic one. The Opti nell nasal aspirator has disposable tips, supporting hygienic use even if you use the device for multiple kids. Because you have the chance to change the tip of the cleaner after each use.

Bulb Syringe

A bulb syringe is one of the common devices used for nasal suction. In order to use it effectively, you need to squeeze the syringe until it is fully crumpled. Then, you should place it on your baby’s nose and release it until the syringe returns to its normal form. You should repeat the same procedure until your baby’s nose is clean.

The reason why bulb syringes are common is because doctors or nurses use them commonly at hospitals. Therefore, parents tend to buy the same device. Another reason is that the device is cheap and disposable. However, this type of device has some penalties.

  • It is almost impossible to be sure if you remove the mucus.
  • It is again almost impossible to dry the inside of the syringe. After a few uses, the syringe may be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or mold.
  • As suction volume is limited with a bulb syringe, you will need to repeat the squeezing and releasing process several times. Your baby will get uncomfortable. Besides, after a while, your baby’s nose may start bleeding because of irritation caused by the tip of the syringe.

Tips for Relieving Nasal Congestion Naturally

As a caring parent, you may wonder if you can relieve your baby’s nasal congestion. There are several techniques you can try. But remember, you should always consult with your pediatrician about the techniques you will use. Other than using a nasal aspirator, you can try the techniques below:

1- Saline Drops: A saline solution is an effective way to moisturize your baby’s nose. This solution will loosen the mucus and help clean the nasal passages. Before using the solution, you should carefully read the instructions that the manufacturer provides. On the other hand, if you do not have saline drops, you can make the solution at home.

  • Boil 500 ml of water and cool it.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of non-iodized salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Pour salt and baking soda into the water you prepared.

2- Steam Therapy: Just like adults, babies need a steamy environment in order to moisturize their nasal passages. To create this environment, you can steam the bathroom with a hot shower. But this may take a lot of your time. Therefore, you can check the steamers for babies.

3- Humidifier: Creating a steamy environment can make things harder for you as it is not easy to apply. You can check out cool-mist humidifiers for your congested baby. Humidifiers will keep your baby’s nasal passages lubricated. In conclusion, your baby will breathe easier.

4- Hydration: Staying hydrated is key to healthy living. In addition, hydration will help your baby’s nasal passages stay open. Furthermore, if your baby’s nose is already blocked, hydration will help the mucus become thinner over time.

5- Nasal Massage: Have you ever felt that when you massage your nose, the mucus loosens? If not, try it first, and then apply this technique to your baby. Be sure to clean your fingertips. The most important part of nasal massage is to be gentle. Apply circular movements for a few minutes.

6- Warm Compress: In order not to irritate your baby’s nose with the nasal aspirator or massage techniques, you should try relieving therapies for your baby. You can try the warm compress technique for nasal congestion. Be sure that the compress is not hot. Adjust the temperature according to your baby’s needs. Check the temperature before placing the compress on your baby’s face. Lastly, during the therapy, you should check on your baby frequently.

7- Avoid Irritants: Babies are sensitive to many things. For example, you should keep your congested baby away from perfumes, smoke, detergent odor, and other irritants. These are the ones causing your baby to breathe harder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to use a nasal aspirator?

Both doctors and experienced parents state that a nasal aspirator is one of the must-have baby essentials. This tool will help you clean your baby’s nasal passages without causing any harm or irritation to the nose.

How often can I apply a nasal aspirator to my baby?

If you have a congested baby, you can try to suction up to four times each day. Applying more than four times may cause irritation in the nasal passages.

What are the side effects of nasal aspirators or bulb syringes?

If you push the devices too hard against your baby’s nose, this may cause irritation or bleeding. If you use the aspirator according to the instructions, there are no side effects.

When is the best time for nasal suction?

The best time for nasal suction is before feeding and before bed. This will help your baby breathe easier while eating and sleeping. Always remember that a well-fed and sleeping baby is the happiest baby.

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